The Association for Symbolic Logic is an international organization supporting research and critical studies in logic. Its primary function is to provide an effective forum for the presentation, publication, and critical discussion of scholarly work in this area of inquiry.
An update on Tuna Altinel appears on the Announcements page.
The Association holds two major annual meetings to present current research in all aspects of logic in a way that is accessible to all logicians. These meetings occasionally have been co-located with other meetings in areas of interest to logicians, such as computer science. The North American Annual Meeting is a 3-4 day event that is held in the spring on a university campus. The European Summer Meeting, called the Logic Colloquium, is often co-sponsored by various organizations. The Logic Colloquium may run for a week or more and frequently includes some form of summer school. In addition to these two major meetings, the Association also sponsors other logic meetings all over the world. Visit our Meetings section to learn more.
The official journals of the Association are The Journal of Symbolic Logic, The Review of Symbolic Logic, and The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. The Association also publishes two book series: Lecture Notes in Logic and Perspectives in Logic.